Membership Mtg - Wed - March 12, 2025
Membership Mtg - Wed - March 12, 2025
We would like to acknowledge the Uniontown Herald Standard for publishing the following article recognizing everyone who participated. Hemlock Guardians: Volunteers, public agencies work to save the Eastern Hemlock - Herald-Standard (
In 2021, CRTU joined Go Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau, and Forbes Trail, Penns Woods West, and Mountain Laurel TU chapters in the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail project. Forbes Trail spearheaded the idea, designed to identify the region’s best trout waters, and express TU’s pride in the Laurel Highlands’ streams and overall natural appeal to visitors.
Forbes Trail president, Larry Myers, asked each participating chapter to identify the top trout streams within its territory, provide photos of the stream, and write brief text for inclusion in the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail brochure. A grant from Go Laurel Highlands Visitor Bureau funded the project. Chapter members have spread the attractive brochures across the region and as far away as fly shops in Colorado.
The final component in the project was installation of attractive Trout Trail signs on the identified streams, each featuring a QR code that informs visitors who scan the code with their phone about the Laurel Highlands’ significant scenic, ecological, and recreational qualities.
On Monday, April 15, CRTU members placed Trout Trail signs at conspicuous locations on Meadow Run and the Youghiogheny River within Ohiopyle State Park, and on Dunbar Creek within State Game Land No. 51. CRTU hopes the signs help demonstrate how we value our streams but are eager to share them with responsible anglers from around the world.
Since its founding in 1995 the Chestnut Ridge Chapter of Trout Unlimited (CRTU) has been a leader in coldwater conservation in southwestern Pennsylvania. We are guided by our vision of reclaiming the past, protecting the present, preparing for the future. Please consider volunteering or joining as a member to support our work
Reclaiming the Past, Protecting the Present, Preparing for the Future ...