Membership Mtg - Wed - Feb 12, 2025
Membership Mtg - Wed - Feb 12, 2025
CRTU's members raise more than 8,000 trophy size golden, brown and rainbow trout each year in the chapter's unique "cage-culture" nursery. Living their entire lives in the cold clean water of the Youghiogheny tailrace, Chestnut Ridge's trout grow healthy and big before their release into the Youghiogheny River and its tributaries including White's Creek, Meadow Run and Laurel Hill Creek. Chapter-raised trout also provide excitement at youth outings and clinics across the region. The nursery was the first of its kind in Pennsylvania. It is patterned after the nursery owned by the state of Maryland at the Jennings Randolph facility on the North fork of the Potomac River. The chapter receives fingerling trout from the Pennsylvania Fish· and Boat commission in November of each year.
May 25, 2201 - Float stocked the Yough River